Let this life do what it was meant to do to you.


Areas of Practice



We are flooded daily with promises of relief from life’s ills. From diets, to cleanses, to coaching, to the ever-increasing menu of medical procedures and pharmaceuticals, we have understandably come to expect a convenient quick-fix for all forms of suffering. The problem is that many of these advertised cures involve ignoring, displacing, or distracting ourselves from what we are really trying to address. Many people who arrive in psychotherapy have spent years and fortunes on various means to alleviate their psychological distress with very little to show for it but a lingering sense that “something still isn’t right.” Effective psychotherapy differs in that it seeks lasting change— inner-change independent of one’s actions, beliefs, or lifestyle. Change that can be felt for life, regardless of life’s direction. The process of psychotherapy invites individuals to partake in an in-depth exploration of distress in a safe and confidential space. Through gently lending an ear to suffering, radical new paths become possible. My practice integrates both eastern and western approaches to the mind, focusing on what I perceive to be vital throughlines between the two.

Common Issues Accessible to PSYCHOTHERAPY

Anxiety, worry, fear

Depression, heaviness, sadness

Interpersonal difficulties, distress in romantic relationships

Grief, loss, mourning

Procrastination, work-related stress

Body image and nourishment issues

Social media/technology addiction